
Funding public education, not private, is Job 1

Gov. Gregg Abbott has been vocal about endorsing candidates who fell in lock step with his pet project, school vouchers, and in vocally opposing those who did not, in the Primary Election. Now he is going door-to-door with candidates in run-offs who also have answered his siren call to support vouchers. Now, even if his handmaidens do not prevail in […]

What’s forgotten about OJ, his trial

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For those too young to fully remember the OJ Simpson trial, it was a television spectacle with all the makings of a Hollywood blockbuster. Sex and violence, interracial relationships and marriage, infidelity, alcoholism, sexual deviancy and a host of lurid details that titillated and fascinated the public. Stories covering the trial became daily tidbits, as just about every outlet – […]

Posts have consequences. Think first.

As a newspaper reporter and editor, I’ve had to cover many car accidents, fires and other incidents that caused major injuries and deaths over the years. With the busy summer season coming, I know more such incidents could be coming soon. I dread it, of course, but not just because I hate seeing other people suffer. I dread it also […]

Our readers speak

Dangerous dredging Thank you, South Jetty Staff, for your excellent article and Editorial in the April 4 issue, regarding the proposed “Deep Dredge”. The public, at this point, has only until April 21 to send comments on this permit application by the Port of Corpus Christi to further dredge the ship channel from the just completed 54 feet+/- to an […]

Trump’s abortion punt may reap whirlwind

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An adjudicated rapist, who was recently held liable by a jury for physically invading a woman’s bodily autonomy, has now taken it upon himself to opine about how government can control women’s bodily autonomy. Before we even begin to analyze Donald Trump’s announcement of his stance on abortion this week, we do need to stipulate it’s as worthless as soiled […]

How about a Lawnmower Ted statue?

They’re about to build a park on Alister Street, close to the Community Center. But wait! Is that really the best thing our town could do with that 30,200-square-foot chunk of Old Town? Maybe it’s not too late to consider some alternatives. Let’s think outside the box, people. Since our town has a problem with unruly drunks on big holiday […]

Our readers speak

Thank a librarian It’s National Library Week. If you didn’t stop in to meet the librarians on Tuesday, you can still drop by to thank them for their service to the community. As one who believes that the foundation of a democracy is a healthy, educated population, librarians and public school teachers are often the unsung heroes that protect our […]

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